George G. Glenner Alzheimer's Family Centers, Specialized Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Education logo.

Glenner GRACE™ Model for Dementia Care

Welcome to this eLearning program titled,
"Glenner GRACE™ Model for Dementia Care"


Details of the GRACE Model.

The Program is Organized into Four Topics.

Topic 1: What is Dementia?

A short overview of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.

Topic 2: The GRACE™ Model

Describes the characteristics of the GRACE™ Model and the modification of caregiver behavior with the end-goal of improving resident care.

Topic 3: The Dining Experience

Applies the standards of GRACE™ to patient dining and the dining room experience

Topic 4: Demonstrating GRACE™

Uses video vignettes to compare and contrast behaviors and outcomes of typical scenarios most caregivers encounter in the workplace.

Questions are found at the end of each segment.
A final course exam is presented once all topics are completed successfully.

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